Vulnerability – Don’t Puff Up and Don’t Shrink Down

In her talk on “The Power Vulnerability”, Brene Brown  uses this phrase in relation to our desire to belong and to be liked.  Because of our fear, we tend to either “puff up” or “shrink down” in situations where we have the chance to present ourselves to our audience.  I like the idea of using a Phoenix Rising Embodied Mindfulness approach in uncovering the fear that often underlies our response in these situations.  In this short video I talk about a way of getting in touch with the fear and then exercising choice around it.  This takes a willingness to be vulnerable – to be just who we are – no more and no less, and not driven by the fear that wants to eliminate that vulnerable feeling.

What are the fears underlying  your feelings of vulnerability that might drive you in the direction of puffing up or shrinking down?  Ask your body and then take a look at what you discover.  In accepting your vulnerability, you just might find the amazing strength you didn’t know you possessed.

Through my vulnerability comes my strength – Michael Lee, Founder, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy