On my morning walk today I listened to two very different podcasts, yet at the same time a very similar approach to life was inherent in both.

I love to listen to Insight Meditation teacher Gil Fronsdal. Gil, through many years of practice, offers an approach that I believe is very relevant to living authentically in our world today. He has the capacity to discern in the moment by being fully present to the moment, and offers some great wisdom, often interlaced with his lovable sense of humor. He was right on cue in the first podcast I listened to this morning. The topic was “the Ocean of Love” which you can listen to here. He used a somewhat wacky analogy to share a powerful and very important lesson. We are on an ocean of love if only we take the time to put down the paddle and notice. I also loved the way he answered questions at the end of his talk and my take away for today from this one was a reminder to “make some time to float” each day. Awareness requires some non-doing time – time to just be with the experience of being right where you are without the driving compulsion to be in constant action. In Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy we bring embodied awareness to the client out of which often comes the informed choice to slow down and “take the time to smell the roses” along the path of life.
The other podcast that gave me inspiration today was an interview with Tom Ziglar (son of Zig Ziglar) talking about the Keys to Top Permformance. As well as being full of great information around what makes a difference in our performance of any work we take on, Tom also expressed some inspiring thoughts on how our attitude shapes our world. Something to look at – how is my attitude? And as a long time road warrior, I particularly liked the fun and interesting way he makes his travel experiences more positive – with a great attitude.
There were similarities in the two podcasts. Each offered inspiration around our choices and particularly how we choose to be present to any situation that might show up in our work and in our lives. Both of these “philosophies” are very compatible with Phoenix Rising. Out of awareness comes choice and out of choice comes action based on truth.
I am so inspired by the Podcasts I listen to that I have decided to make better use of this medium. I”ve been a guest on several and now, with Matt Taylor and Staffan Elgelid as my partners, we will be launching our own podcast in June titled “On Your Authority”. The three of us are passionate about living an authentic and empowered life, and so we are offering our listeners information and resources that we hope will support them in that quest. Stay tuned for our launch details.
What are your favorite podcasts and what inspiration do you gain from listening? We’d love to know. Please leave a comment. And be sure to have a meaningful day!